Sunday, July 30, 2006

My Fujitsu is a jealous mistress!

Okay before I tell you why, let me blow the dust off this blog first. *blowing (dust. And dust ONLY, what were you thinking? Tsk tsk, dirty minds!)

It's been a very very long time since I last updated. Of course, I have been very very busy. I am always busy. You have to be perpetually busy or your worth (to the society, to your friends etc.) would be put to question. If you are forever available, people will be wondering if it is because you don't have a social life. And if it were the case, they won't want to be seen hanging out with you a.k.a The One Without A Social Life. Then you become more friendless and the cycle just repeats itself until you wonder why you still haven't killed yourself yet.

Anyway, I was mumbling. Hmm... yes recent happenings. Oikos (econs camp) just concluded a day ago. It was okay. Made some new friends, decided that I would never be friends with the rest and ogled quite bit at the hot bods when we were in Sentosa on the first day. Talking about Sentosa, I haven't been there in ages. The last time I went there, the monorail was kinda still in operation (Is it still in operation?).

So I was saying, the girls were not AT ALL coy about taking off their clothes. There was this game which required us to form the longest line using whatever we have with us, including ourselves. So we began by taking off our slippers blar blar and the guys started stripping, which was normal and truth be told, nothing to wow about since only preciously few of them had bodies to die for. Then, the girls started stripping too because the line wasn't long enought. And WOW! they are in their bikinis. It was generally a pretty sight. I mean when it comes to gauging whether it is appropriate to strip (i.e. whether your half-naked body will cause discomfort to the rest of the people present), the girls are way more self-conscious. The guys were practically stripping without discrimination. The funny thing is, most of those who took off their tshirt had such droopy titties and big paunchs that the rest of us actually felt sorry for them.

The girls, on the other hand, were such an eye-candy that you just can't stop staring. Most of them anyway. As I was telling Liyu yesterday, there is always a hierachy when you are in the group. I am talking about girls here because I am not sure about the guys, though I don't mind venturing a guess on the latter. For guys, it is either you are with us or you are not thing, so not at all exciting to talk about.

But for girls, it is different. In an all girl group, there is always a queen who can readily command the allegiance of 2-4 slaves, depending on her prowess. In rare occasions, there can be up to 2 queens, but because of time constraint and irrelevance to the topic at hand, we shall pass those rare occasions.

Beside the queen and the slaves, there is also the 'super enthu people' and the outcasts/bo-chap-and-aloof people. From experience, the super enthu people are usually those who have a 'humble background' (i.e. those who hail from neighbourhood schools) and who try desperate to fit in with the RJ-HC-VJ group and are willing to do anything for it. They are usually the ones who volunteer or are 'volunteered' to do the kind of things that the queen will never do and which because they have the super enthu people to it, the slaves are spared from doing. As for the outcasts/aloof people, nobody dares to ask them to do anything so they are out of the equation.

Talking about outcasts/aloof people, there is a reason for the slash though it seems that being an outcast is not exactly in the same category as being aloof. Okay, the distinct is between them is that if you are from a neighbourhood school and is really quirky (in a bad way, for e.g. with coconut-inspired hairdo) then you are an outcast, the untouchable. But if you are from a brand name school but are deemed not very approachable, then you are automatically classified as aloof/bo-chap. The difference in treatment you got from the rest of the group is that if you are in the former category, you get sneered at and if you are in the latter category, you are revered (probably) and left alone (which is, again, different from being ignored).

But really, the Aloof and the Queen are the same type of people. They are both smart and sophisticated. The only difference is that one is more popular with the crowds, for reasons that are mostly genetic i.e. looks, personality etc. But do the Aloof and the Queen hate each other? I most certainly don't hate my counterpart, for, again, reasons that are mostly genetic. HAHAHA!

That was 'group dynamics' a.k.a group politics. Oh almost forgot to mention that one of the main sponsors of our camp was SDU (Social Development Unit) a.k.a the publicly-funded, government sanctioned match-making agency for the highly educated (only those with tertiary education and onwards need apply). So naturally, some of the games were designed with the intention of getting boys and girls to 'know each other better' or simply to 'get a little physical with each other'. One particular activity worth mentioning was the night-walk on Fort Canning Hill. A girl was to be paired up with a guy and had to walk through a predesigned route that was dark for the most part of it and ambushed by facilitators who were out to scare you out of your skin or better still, into each other's arms. Some facilitators who were 'off-duty' that night abused their authority and paired up with the cutest girls to do the night walk. Tsk tsk!

Another camp coming up tomorrow and will last 4 days 3 nights. It is supposed to be a CIP-camp so gotta go! Need to get my 80 hours.

Okies for now. No idea when this blog will be updated again. My guess: it will be a very very long time before that happens.

Just realised why that I still haven't explained why my new Fujitsu tablet PC is a jealous mistress. Well, it is because even though it is brand new and up to date, I don't love it as much as I do my 3-year-old iBook. It is a pity that the adoption rate of Mac OS is so pathetic that for the sake of compatibility, I am again stuck with a Windows-based machine. Not Fujitsu's fault. Microsoft's bad.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Imagine Me & You

Heck: Edie, are you gay?

Edie: Am I gay?

Edie: I'm ecstatic!

I love Piper Perabo and Lena Headey together. Awfully cute. I mean cute, not awful.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Where are all the photos?

Been back from Taiwan for a few days now and the photos are not up yet. Why? Because I am procrastinating. Partly. More accurately, it is because I am too occupied with my new, absolutely free Xbox 360. Actually, only the console is free, courtesy of Starhub. The games are not - they cost $69.90 each. I got 2 titles, one's Hitman: Blood Money and the other is Call Of Duty 2.

In the former, the player assumes the role of a hitman and carries out assassinations for money. However, the amount of money he gets for each mission depends on his notoriety or the lack of it. I mean in the world of contract killing, it is not exactly desirable to be 'well-known'. The best assassins always make sure that they cover their tracks.

As for Call of Duty 2, the player becomes an Allied soldier fighting off the Germans. There are missions to accomplish, some of them require blowing up tanks, recapturing certain key buildings or fending off an offensive by the empty. I play on the Easy level so it's really pretty easy. It's just that I am always required to repeat missions in order to unlock new ones.

Why is it so fucking hot these days?