Thursday, April 20, 2006

Who's the victim here?

Oh I said I was not going to write any political so I am going to eat my words now.

I was shocked at how arrogant MM Lee was when I read the front page of The Straits Times (a government controlled newspaper. Fuck, every paper in the country is government controlled!) this morning. Then again, anyone who has been controlling the actions, minds and birth patterns of 3-4 million people for the past 4 decades has the right to be arrogant. But no, my point is, surprising as it sounds, MM Lee has been unfairly portrayed as such. He is 0.25% less arrogant in real life. In the report, by a 'senior' political correspondent no less, MM Lee waved off the danger that some Singaporeans, notably the younger ones, have come out of their trance-like obedience to the leading political party and are actually considering the possibility of having someone else (possibly from the Workers' Party) to tell them what to do. In his actual words, '70% of Singapoeans aged under 30 are non-graduates' who 'will be more concerned about their job prospects, training and ability to buy their first home'. In Aldous Huxley's world, these 70% would be the Delta Minuses who do not have the higher brain function to think about revolution/political changes/having someone not surnamed 'Lee' to be at the helm. As for the rest of the 30% 'radical English-educated young', myself inclusive (so what i'm a young radical now? yeah thanks.), they either need to be re-educated (preferably this time using Chinese as the medium of instruction to prevent a similar tragedy from happening) or they need to be eliminated. The decision will be revealed at a later date, probably after the elections when people's defenses are down.

It all started with a stupid TV forum where the MM was to come face to face with 10 young people, 7 of which are journalists, which makes it hardly representative, 2 of which are SMU undergraduates (makes you wonder though, where is the representative from NUS, the university ranked 22nd in the world!?) and the last, I forgot. Anyway, they were told that they could ask the MM any question, any question at all and stupidly, they took it for real. Anyone could see that was a trap. So they happily asked whatever they wanted to ask and thought the rest of us would like answered (okay in all honesty, I want to ask those questions too), while oblivious to the fact that they were being blacklisted with orders to 'make them look like accidents'. Then bam! A punk asked the MM whether it was time for him to step down. It was as if someone (possibly the likes of the evil stepmother in Snow White) placed a curse on the MM such that he will forever have to be the most powerful man in Singapore (in front or behind the curtains) until a little punk comes along and say the magic words 'When are you gonna step down', at which moment, he is finally free!

No wonder the old folks (those born before independence but ironically never independent of the government or its supreme leader whose name I will not mention but if you still don't know by this time, maybe you should consider to just fuck off and die!) say the young kids at the forum were rude. And they are right because everyone knows it is incredibly rude to ask your grandpa when he is going to kick the bucket so that you can have his room which does not face the East and so will not be terribly hot in the morning when the sun comes up. It is the same thing with the MM. He decides when to let go of his son's hand and step down/continue to monitor the latter from behind the curtains. Or some terminal disease decides for him (Praying to God it will not happen. But I am not sure if he will listen to me since I do not believe in his existence). We are still very much an Asian society so do not ever try that again. Ever.

And MM Lee should be credited for being the one who started the trend of showing voters the emotional side of what were once perceived infalliable statesmen. Remember how he cried when Singapore was separated from/kicked out of Malaysia? He was truly a man of convictions and passion. And for Christ's sake, did he not save your grandparents from the communists, Malays from the other side who just loved to see them (and now, you) suffer, as well the British wussies who came back after making sure all the Japs were gone? C'mon, give the man some credit!


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