Saturday, April 22, 2006

My life revolves around ELECTIONS* (just to show how interesting it really is)

* required by law to put them in caps during the election period

Okay I sold my soul at the very end of the last post when I actually said something nice about someone for a change.

I must digress a bit now to talk about a blog which I used to love reading (and its author whom I used to worship alongside the Indian god Ganesha, who/which, pardon my straightforwardness, looks curiously like an elephant) and have since hated both because of its popularity and the emptiness of the contents. More of the former I concede. It is the same thing with sequels to popular films, they almost always flop. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the producers/writers/those punks in charge now realise that they have a bigger following and therefore they have to cater to the 'tastes of the mass' instead of just doing what they want to do (which would be much better, trust me). And knowing how bad our tastes really are, it is no wonder that these sequels flop.

Now back to elections (bear with me at least until May 6, the polling day!)

The Lees are suing the punks from SDA (Singapore Democratic Assholes. No I'm kidding, Singapore Democratic Alliance), who are bold, gutsy but ultimately brainless, for alleging that the leaders knew about the numerous problems (inluding corruption, corruption and more corruption) at NKF, HDB, GIC, CPF... the list is almost inexhaustible but have deliberately covered them up. Of course, the Lees knew about the problems! They were the ones who... No I've said too much.

Yeah anyway, the SDA newsletters containing the allegations were meant to influence people's voting decisions and hope that they would choose a bunch of silly, underhand punks over the ones who can give them housing upgrades, Progress Package (money that is, for the uninitiated), Medisave now covering chronic diseases and in the future, anything from a cough to slight skin abrasion during soccer practice, depending on election needs and many more.. again the list is inexhaustible.

And the opposition is again at the losing end because their newsletters only have a penetration (do they even deserve the word 'penetration'?) rate of 0.0045% (to the furthest signficant number) compared to the weapon of choice (and opposition- destruction) for the PAP, The Straits Times which has a penetration rate of 110% (including internet coverage). So all it takes is a headline like 'SDP faces legal action ove NKF allegations' across the front page for the next couple of days leading up to Polling Day to achieve what the oppostion always wants to do and will never be able to do for the next five hundred years: Crush the other side. Completely. Listen to Confucius when he says: Don't do to others as you would not have them do to you. Even Jesus concurred on that.

So the question is: Why do we still have elections?

1) To satisfy the ego of the incumbent (MM Lee is rumoured to have said that 'Winning elections gives me such a sense of well-being that I think I'm ready to live another 50 years!" much to the chagrin of his son, the current Prime Minister, for the unitiated)

2) To make ex-PM Goh look bad by winning more than 61% of the votes for the next hundred years or until there are no more Lees in the government, whichever happens sooner. I suspect it is the former though.

3) Follows the Lee Family tradition of Sharin' N Suin'. Share the goodies with the goodie-two-shoes (read: people who always support the incumbent and PAP always happen to the incumbent so they always support the PAP) and sue the bastards from the opposition.

And more.

As fate would have it, elections pop up again during my interview with the SMU admission officers. I was torn between whether to be politically correct or incisive and I end up achieving neither by repeating myself and recycling certain words too often. But I really want to go to that school because I really love the glass elevators (is that the correct term for elevators with glass walls?)! Argghh!


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