Tuesday, June 13, 2006

"Gay" Twins

I suspect.

Okay the story starts out simple enough, 2 girls fall for the same guy. And they go through all the agony and angst that, I venture to guess, are usually associated with such entangled heterosexual relationships. Well, I wouldn't know, would I? Then the unexpected happens: the girls decide that they don't really care for the boy and are in fact in love with each other and run off, holding hands. Don't believe? Watch this:

Alright, I twisted the thing a bit. The girls are not gay. They just treasure friendship more than cute boys. Why? That surprises you? Yar it's a little cliche and not at all realistic.

Okay let's reach a compromise. I say there is a little gayness in each and every one of us. It is just that some are unconscious of their gayness (and leading perfect heterosexual lives on the surface) while others are openly flaunting their gayness (not very different from how heterosexual people flaunt their heterosexuality really).

Now, heterosexual people reading this blog are shaking their heads now (yeah you there, in front of the lousy PC). The more aggressive ones are probably shaking their fists and saying "I'm NOT gay, you (insert expletive)!" Alright, let's go down the memory lane. Girls, have you ever had a best friend who is with you 24/7 and whom you do everything with? Your menstrual cycles are probably synchronized too but I don't need to know this. Have you, answer this honestly, ever had these thoughts:

A) She understands me so well and it is so good to be with her.
B) I wish we would always be this close.
C) I wonder what she is wearing underneath that Tshirt.

If you've had C), then it is pretty clear that the closet is too small for you. For A) & B), oh you are such a lesbian!

You may argue "Hey that's not 'gayness'!" Let me ask you: what does it mean by being gay? "Gay people are those who are sexually attracted to people of the same gender as they are." And you don't swing that way.

So what brings about a 'sexual attraction' or even 'love'?

Looks, muscles/big boobs/nice ass/huge ****/any other obscenely large body parts, smell (get the right pheromones), personality (when you can't get the first 2), race, religion (hardcore Christians/Muslims/Jews), money, status... Or all of the above. Where does 'gender' comes in?

You say, it is understood that people should date other people who are of the opposite sex. That's how God made us, whether we call him/her Allah, HaShem, Jesus or some other names (for a complete list of synonyms for 'God', refer to a really really old thesarus).

Just like you said, most of the heterosexual people remain so (assuming we all started out being heterosexuals, like Adam and Eve) because that is how they are told they should be. That's how the society wants them to be. They never realise there is an 'alternative lifestyle' to theirs. Either that or they are too afraid to go against the flow.

Always easier to go with the flow. Though some fish never seem to learn that and insist on swiming upstream to spawn. Makes you wonder sometimes if the Omega 1, 2, 3, 4 are really going to make you smarter (since they come from such stupid fish) or is this just another elaborate ruse by the fisheries to get you to buy more fish, against all the danger of mercury or any other heavy mental poisoning. You've taken biology, haven't you? The top predators accumulate the poison of those lower down on the chain.

Got distracted there a bit, back to main topic now. I am not saying that all heterosexual people are gay, at least not 100% gay. Nothing is absolute so don't argue you are 100% straight. There are, however, among them (number is indeterminable due to reasons stated above) people who are 'predisposed' towards homosexuality. It is in their genes. I am not bluffing here because studies have shown that there is a strong biological basis for 'swinging the other way'. Besides the genes, there is also the hormones. Too much testosterone and you turn into an Ellen DeGeneres, too little of that and it's an Elton John for you.

Whatever it is, the bottom line is this: If you think you are not gay/don't know you are gay, then good, remain that way. At least, you get to marry legally in 99% of the countries. And your spouse gets to enjoy all the spousal benefits that your company might have, something which your colleague, Ricky's 'civil union partner' doesn't get to.

And you won't get onto Bush's Hate List, which can put you in a precarious situation considering how al-Zarqawi died. Guess his safe house wasn't safe enough for him. But it is a bit weird that he actually survived the blast of 2 500-pound precision-guided bombs and died only a while later when all those with him were killed instantly.

Shall continue the discussion on Sex And Sexuality some other time. Mightly tired now.


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