Monday, May 22, 2006

NUS Business School. WOW!

Now even ang-mohs want to study there.

Well, at least the British/American chick who screamed with ecstacy when she received her Letter of Acceptance from the aforementioned business school. Her mum was equally ecstatic and her only qualm was that her daughter (who was decidedly not actually that pretty) would spend too much time with 'cute Singaporean guys'.

Okay, if there are really cute guys here, how come I have never seen any? Alright, in all honesty, I have never been actively seeking them out. But still, I think it was a bloated claim. It is okay to argue that your school is the best business school in Asia (or something to that effect) but it is another thing to 'pimp out' your male population! But then again, if you can use something as ridiculous as the Merlion (what? Mermaid + Lion?) as your selling point, maybe 'cute guys' could be one too. The catch is, however, to have cute guys in the first place, which in here, there is zilch. Sero. Okay you want the truth? The truth is: I don't care about cute guys LOL!

I need to do serious reading one of these days. I have been watching too much TV. Not actually 'TV' TV but really downloaded (therefore illegal) episodes of American/Canadian/British shows that can only be viewed on the computer.

Here are my favourite lines of recent:

"I thought you were too screwed up to love anyone. I was wrong. You just couldn't love me. It's okay. I'm happy for you." Cameron to House, House M.D.

"I can't just be your friend, Ashley. It has to be more than that. Or I am out of your life. I need to figure out mine." Spencer to Ashley, South of Nowhere


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

2:31 AM  

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