Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Okay correction: We love House!

Yes it is absolutely true that I enjoyed 'Grey's anatomy' tremendously. Oh how I love to see doctors (and occasionally nurses) romping around! The first season is about to end its run this week. Anyone who knows when Star World is airing its second season would probably also know the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden. Unless of course if he is passe and nobody is interested in him anymore. It is all about bringing down Rummy now, I guess?

Anyway, the fact remains that 'House M.D.' is my favourite medical drama of all time, except perhaps 'Judging Amy'. Huh what? 'Judging Amy' is not a medical drama? Oh then in that case, House comes on tops. Reason why I love watching House? Because I think House is hot, as in the wacky diagnostician who has a bum leg and is addicted to vicodin. What is vicodin? In short, it is a pain-reliever which House pops like they were really candies. He always have sarcasm-laden comments for his co-workers. And the best thing is: he does not discriminate whether it is his subordinates or his boss. The best exchanges take place between House and his boss, Dr Cuddy, though she is nowhere as cuddly as her name suggests. Try this:

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I need you to wear your lab coat.
Dr. Gregory House: I need two days of outrageous sex with someone obscenely younger than you. Like half your age.

Dr. Gregory House: Right rudder. Bank, bank, bank!
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Good coffee? The rest of this hospital is busting its tail and you're....
[House's eyes get really wide, and he covers them with his folder]
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: What are you doing?
Dr. Gregory House: Trying to think of anything except the produce department at Whole Foods.
[Wilson smirks]
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I am working. It got hot. Stop acting like a 13-year-old!
Dr. Gregory House: Sorry. You just don't normally see breasts like that on Deans of Medicine.
[Wilson tries to look anywhere except at Cuddy's chest]
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Women can't be heads of hospitals? Or just ugly ones?
Dr. Gregory House: No, they can be babes. It's just you don't normally see their fun bags.

Wilson, by the way, is an oncologist who is also a good buddy of House's. In fact, the ONLY buddy of House's. House, being his gruffly self, is not exactly someone you want to be best friends with. But like I said, I think he is hot. I like guys with brains and a lacerating tongue, if I ever liked guys, that is. Yeah because the truth is I am more interested in his pretty sidekick/assistant, Dr Cameron. She is played by Jennifer Morrison who looks suspiciously like Kristen Dunst. Anyway, she developed a little crush on House but was crushed by the revelation at the end of Season 1 that House was still romantically attracted to his ex-girlfriend, Stacy, who gave him the bum leg in the first place (long story that one...) Stacy came to ask House to help save her husband and stayed on as the in-house lawyer for the hospital. House pretended to find her annoying and accused her of being constantly on his back when in fact, what he really wanted was to get back together with her. In Ep 306, he managed to elicit an admission on her part that she still loved him but also hated him at the same time (long story again...)

Oh I have digressed. I meant to talk about Cameron. So yeah though she was upset that House was not in fact too screwed up to love but that he just could not love her, she still continued to have a thing for him throughout Season 2. Okay, honestly I don't know. I am only 6 episodes into Season 2, courtesy of some small-time pirate on Yahoo! Auctions who is willing to rip a perfectly clear copy of Season 2 for peanuts. I mean do you know how crazily they are charging for the original DVDs? Let me tell you: The original Season 1 (Season 2's not out yet) costs about a hundred bucks! They are out to rip us! So can't really blame us if we rip them (discs) too right?

Apparently from what I have found out or gathered from watching snippets of Season 2, House and Cameron did not exactly become a couple though Cameron did have a romp with Chase. And it was hot! Chase is cute and the actor who plays him is/used to be a couple with Jennifer Morrison. But if you ask me, I will pick House over him any day. Yeah, so with Cameron, the show becomes a lot watchable than it would have been without her. Maybe it is just me. I am infatuated with Cameron. Some incredible House/Cameron moments:

Dr. Cameron: [discussing a patient's diagnosis] What about sex?
Dr. Gregory House: Well, it might get complicated. We work together. I am older, certainly, but maybe you like that.
Dr. Cameron: I meant maybe he has neurosyphilis.
Dr. Gregory House: Heh, nice cover.

Dr. Cameron: I'm the only one who's always stood behind you when you've screwed up.
Dr. Gregory House: Why? Why would you support someone who screws up?
Dr. Cameron: Because I'm not insanely insecure, and because I can actually trust in another human being, and I am not an angry, misanthropic son of a bitch.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm sorry. You said you *weren't* angry.

[Cameron is in the lab working on some equipment]
Dr. Gregory House: Mixing up some margaritas? Mine's a double, Senorita. That's Portuguese you know.
Dr. Cameron: [too quietly] Spanish.
Dr. Gregory House: Uh-oh. What's going on?
Dr. Cameron: I'm re-calibrating the centrifuge.
Dr. Gregory House: Turn around.
[she's been crying]
Dr. Gregory House: It's a very sad thing, an un-calibrated centrifuge. It makes me cry too.
Dr. Cameron: I'm not crying.
Dr. Gregory House: Ok.
Dr. Cameron: ...When I was in college, I... I fell in love, and I got married. And...
Dr. Gregory House: At that age the chances of a marriage lasting -
Dr. Cameron: It lasted six months. Thyroid cancer metastasized to his brain. There was nothing they could do. I was 21, and I watched my husband die.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm sorry. But that's not the whole story. It's a symptom, not your illness. Thyroid cancer would have been diagnosed at least a year before his death, you knew he was dying when you married him. Must have been when you first met him. And you married him anyway. You can't be that good a person and well adjusted.
Dr. Cameron: Why?
Dr. Gregory House: Because you wind up crying over centrifuges.
Dr. Cameron: Or hating people?

They should totally be together, don't you think?

Waiting for the remaining discs to come in the mail so I can have the gratification of finishing the whole of Season 2 in... 2 days? And the sensation of being left high and dry after that. Sounds good to me! Should I suffer withdrawal symptoms, maybe I'll get Grey's Anatomy too or worst comes to worst, Desperate Housewives.

What happens to wanting to read up Sloman (some economics textbook) before University starts in July? Or August. July, August, July... Life would have been so much easier if I got into Law. At least no more min. LRAC and all that crap. Should I do a finance major? But I hate Maths! Marketing sounds good to me. But I still need to do Maths for Economics even if I can avoid them for Business Management. And if I don't do a lot of Statistics/higher Maths stuff I probably wouldn't be able to do a Masters in Economics. But I do want to write a book like 'Freakonomics' someday. That's tough.

Okay, Spanish time!

Where are you from? => De donde eres?

I am from Singapore/I am Singaporean (what nationality) => Soy de Singapur/Soy Singapurense

How do you say... in Spanish? => Como se dice... in Espanol?

Pleased to meet you => Encantado (M) Encantada (F)

Pleased to meet you (in reply) => Mucho gusto

This is the => Este es el (M) Esta es la (F)
This is a/an => Este es un (M) Esta es una (F)

I don't know => Yo no se

I don't understand => Yo no entiendo

Repeat, please => Repite, por favor

You're welcome => De nada

Notebook: Cuaderno
Cat: Gato
Table: Mesa
Student: Estudiante
Apple: Manzana


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

2:31 AM  

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