Wednesday, June 07, 2006

What does it take to be House?

House is not only good at diagnosing tricky cases.

He also knows Spanish, Hindi, Chinese and probably some other languages that you thought the hectic schedule of a doctor would not have allowed.

He plays the piano. In fact, he plays it quite well. I am especially thrilled by his rendition of 'Hymn to Freedom' even though it sounds suspiciously like the version by Oscar Peterson.

He has a magical ability to know when people are lying, either that or he just assumes that everyone is, even chemicals. But unfortunately for the latter, when they try to lie through their little chemical teeth, all you need is to put them in a beaker and apply heat.

He is cynical and sarcastic and that makes him interesting, as long as you are not at the receiving end of his whimsicality.

He is well-versed in subjects other than those medically-related. For example, he knows that 'blue barrel' is a variety of cactus and that enabled him to trace the origin of the disease-carrier and subsequently reach a diagnosis.

He obviously knows quite a bit of psychology and uses it well when dealing with patients whom he cannot put in a beaker and apply heat to.

And he appears to be miserable all the time, being a Vicodin addict with a bum leg. Chicks dig that though.

Not of the above are relevant to you or me. Just pick those that are, for instance the point about getting acquainted with stuff that are not within your specialty.

For myself, even if I am going to read Economics in university, I figure that it probably won't hurt if I simultaneously start home-schooling myself on Biology too.

The only problem is that, as with all resolutions, they tend to fizz out when the inital novelty wears off. Already, I am seeing the impracticality of the idea. With no impending tests and no pressure to outdo your peers, it is almost impossible for someone as unmotivated as yours truly to persevere despite the good intention. I mean, let's face it, it is been 2 weeks since I 'made up my mind' to do some reading on Economics but so far, I have only done it once, and that is while intoxicated with the prospect of awing the professor with my incisive takes on the world economy, among other things.

No one can be House. That is why I put him on a pedestal and worship him with my DVD player.


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