Monday, June 05, 2006


After months of frustration resulting from not being able to use italics or change my fontcolour, I have finally found a way to. The answer is so simple that it took me 2 months to figure out - my browser does not support the WYSIWYG function on Blogger.

So the logical step is to change a browser. Against my better judgement, I tried it on an old piece of junk known as the Internet Explorer which, much to my delight, was not compatible either.

I said I was delighted because if it worked, then I would be compelled (morally and practically) to use that piece of junk and it would have taken away whatever little fun there is in blogging and made my miserable life even more miserable. It is weird in a sense because I vaguely remember the Internet Explorer being quite a nifty piece of browser software back in my earlier Windows days.

Onto something less depressing now.

Things that we know Paris Hilton can do:

  1. Make videos of herself schupting some ex-boyband member with the initials N.C.
  2. Being engaged and disengaged to another Paris.
  3. Lead a Simple Life with her-best-friend-turned-enemies-but-is-really-just-her-sidekick Nicole Richie.

Things that we didn't know and still don't believe Paris Hilton can do

  1. Sing! And interestingly enough, I actually thought it was Ashley Simpson or Lindsay Lohan crooning away to the words "I am screwed... screwed..." Man, they all sounded alike.
  2. Make lasagne and actually, rather tasty lasagne. This is, however, not something you or I can verify.
And now to something even more cheerful.

House Time!

Today I am going to show you how prevalent discrimination is at workplaces such that female employees or those from minority races (chances increase proportionally with skin colour i.e the blacker you are, the more likely that you will be discriminated against) cannot even gain access to whiteboards.

In Ep 2x1, when Cameron tried to write on the whiteboard during a differential diagnosis, House would not let her, claiming that - I quote him - "Only I get to write on the board".

In Ep 2x17 and I figure for this one it is more interesting to give you a transcript of the exchange that took place between Foreman and House.

Foreman: [he snatches the whiteboard marker from House and starts writing] Heart failure could be either infection, coronary disease, or rejection.

House: [snatches the marker back] Sorry, there's a reason they call it the WHITEboard. It's not my rule. What ties both of these conditions together?

[Silence from the Ducklings]

Foreman: Ok, we can all stare at each other or we can investigate what caused the heart failure. Just the heart failure. You wanna give me that BLACK marker?

8 more episodes to go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

2:31 AM  

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