Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Okay correction: We love House!

Yes it is absolutely true that I enjoyed 'Grey's anatomy' tremendously. Oh how I love to see doctors (and occasionally nurses) romping around! The first season is about to end its run this week. Anyone who knows when Star World is airing its second season would probably also know the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden. Unless of course if he is passe and nobody is interested in him anymore. It is all about bringing down Rummy now, I guess?

Anyway, the fact remains that 'House M.D.' is my favourite medical drama of all time, except perhaps 'Judging Amy'. Huh what? 'Judging Amy' is not a medical drama? Oh then in that case, House comes on tops. Reason why I love watching House? Because I think House is hot, as in the wacky diagnostician who has a bum leg and is addicted to vicodin. What is vicodin? In short, it is a pain-reliever which House pops like they were really candies. He always have sarcasm-laden comments for his co-workers. And the best thing is: he does not discriminate whether it is his subordinates or his boss. The best exchanges take place between House and his boss, Dr Cuddy, though she is nowhere as cuddly as her name suggests. Try this:

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I need you to wear your lab coat.
Dr. Gregory House: I need two days of outrageous sex with someone obscenely younger than you. Like half your age.

Dr. Gregory House: Right rudder. Bank, bank, bank!
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Good coffee? The rest of this hospital is busting its tail and you're....
[House's eyes get really wide, and he covers them with his folder]
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: What are you doing?
Dr. Gregory House: Trying to think of anything except the produce department at Whole Foods.
[Wilson smirks]
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I am working. It got hot. Stop acting like a 13-year-old!
Dr. Gregory House: Sorry. You just don't normally see breasts like that on Deans of Medicine.
[Wilson tries to look anywhere except at Cuddy's chest]
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Women can't be heads of hospitals? Or just ugly ones?
Dr. Gregory House: No, they can be babes. It's just you don't normally see their fun bags.

Wilson, by the way, is an oncologist who is also a good buddy of House's. In fact, the ONLY buddy of House's. House, being his gruffly self, is not exactly someone you want to be best friends with. But like I said, I think he is hot. I like guys with brains and a lacerating tongue, if I ever liked guys, that is. Yeah because the truth is I am more interested in his pretty sidekick/assistant, Dr Cameron. She is played by Jennifer Morrison who looks suspiciously like Kristen Dunst. Anyway, she developed a little crush on House but was crushed by the revelation at the end of Season 1 that House was still romantically attracted to his ex-girlfriend, Stacy, who gave him the bum leg in the first place (long story that one...) Stacy came to ask House to help save her husband and stayed on as the in-house lawyer for the hospital. House pretended to find her annoying and accused her of being constantly on his back when in fact, what he really wanted was to get back together with her. In Ep 306, he managed to elicit an admission on her part that she still loved him but also hated him at the same time (long story again...)

Oh I have digressed. I meant to talk about Cameron. So yeah though she was upset that House was not in fact too screwed up to love but that he just could not love her, she still continued to have a thing for him throughout Season 2. Okay, honestly I don't know. I am only 6 episodes into Season 2, courtesy of some small-time pirate on Yahoo! Auctions who is willing to rip a perfectly clear copy of Season 2 for peanuts. I mean do you know how crazily they are charging for the original DVDs? Let me tell you: The original Season 1 (Season 2's not out yet) costs about a hundred bucks! They are out to rip us! So can't really blame us if we rip them (discs) too right?

Apparently from what I have found out or gathered from watching snippets of Season 2, House and Cameron did not exactly become a couple though Cameron did have a romp with Chase. And it was hot! Chase is cute and the actor who plays him is/used to be a couple with Jennifer Morrison. But if you ask me, I will pick House over him any day. Yeah, so with Cameron, the show becomes a lot watchable than it would have been without her. Maybe it is just me. I am infatuated with Cameron. Some incredible House/Cameron moments:

Dr. Cameron: [discussing a patient's diagnosis] What about sex?
Dr. Gregory House: Well, it might get complicated. We work together. I am older, certainly, but maybe you like that.
Dr. Cameron: I meant maybe he has neurosyphilis.
Dr. Gregory House: Heh, nice cover.

Dr. Cameron: I'm the only one who's always stood behind you when you've screwed up.
Dr. Gregory House: Why? Why would you support someone who screws up?
Dr. Cameron: Because I'm not insanely insecure, and because I can actually trust in another human being, and I am not an angry, misanthropic son of a bitch.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm sorry. You said you *weren't* angry.

[Cameron is in the lab working on some equipment]
Dr. Gregory House: Mixing up some margaritas? Mine's a double, Senorita. That's Portuguese you know.
Dr. Cameron: [too quietly] Spanish.
Dr. Gregory House: Uh-oh. What's going on?
Dr. Cameron: I'm re-calibrating the centrifuge.
Dr. Gregory House: Turn around.
[she's been crying]
Dr. Gregory House: It's a very sad thing, an un-calibrated centrifuge. It makes me cry too.
Dr. Cameron: I'm not crying.
Dr. Gregory House: Ok.
Dr. Cameron: ...When I was in college, I... I fell in love, and I got married. And...
Dr. Gregory House: At that age the chances of a marriage lasting -
Dr. Cameron: It lasted six months. Thyroid cancer metastasized to his brain. There was nothing they could do. I was 21, and I watched my husband die.
Dr. Gregory House: I'm sorry. But that's not the whole story. It's a symptom, not your illness. Thyroid cancer would have been diagnosed at least a year before his death, you knew he was dying when you married him. Must have been when you first met him. And you married him anyway. You can't be that good a person and well adjusted.
Dr. Cameron: Why?
Dr. Gregory House: Because you wind up crying over centrifuges.
Dr. Cameron: Or hating people?

They should totally be together, don't you think?

Waiting for the remaining discs to come in the mail so I can have the gratification of finishing the whole of Season 2 in... 2 days? And the sensation of being left high and dry after that. Sounds good to me! Should I suffer withdrawal symptoms, maybe I'll get Grey's Anatomy too or worst comes to worst, Desperate Housewives.

What happens to wanting to read up Sloman (some economics textbook) before University starts in July? Or August. July, August, July... Life would have been so much easier if I got into Law. At least no more min. LRAC and all that crap. Should I do a finance major? But I hate Maths! Marketing sounds good to me. But I still need to do Maths for Economics even if I can avoid them for Business Management. And if I don't do a lot of Statistics/higher Maths stuff I probably wouldn't be able to do a Masters in Economics. But I do want to write a book like 'Freakonomics' someday. That's tough.

Okay, Spanish time!

Where are you from? => De donde eres?

I am from Singapore/I am Singaporean (what nationality) => Soy de Singapur/Soy Singapurense

How do you say... in Spanish? => Como se dice... in Espanol?

Pleased to meet you => Encantado (M) Encantada (F)

Pleased to meet you (in reply) => Mucho gusto

This is the => Este es el (M) Esta es la (F)
This is a/an => Este es un (M) Esta es una (F)

I don't know => Yo no se

I don't understand => Yo no entiendo

Repeat, please => Repite, por favor

You're welcome => De nada

Notebook: Cuaderno
Cat: Gato
Table: Mesa
Student: Estudiante
Apple: Manzana

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I need to buy an external hard drive

Okay, as the title should already have implied, this is going to be a very technical piece of writing. So cover your eyes now if you still cannot tell the difference between a 'hard drive' and a 'hard on'. Well, in all fairness, 'hard drive' can be interpreted for something else other than a storage device. But that would be out of the scope of our discussion today.

As you all know, I am not a geeky person so I suck when it comes to fiddling with my computer. That is actually one of the prime reasons why I got a Mac in the first place after years of despairing before error messages on a Windows machine. Since I have touched on the Mac v.s. Windows topic, I might as well take the opportunity to extol the virtues of the Mac system. Did I just say 'extol the virtues'? Eww that is so cliche! Okay anyway, here are the reasons why Mac rocks the world:

1. They are incredibly stable. My system only crashed like 4-5 times in the last 2 years.

2. 99.9% virus-free. Though it is debatable whether it is a result of good virus protection or because no one (here I mean hackers) cares about the Mac enough to want to infect them with viruses. Either way, it is a good thing.

3. Aesthetically appealing.

4. It is cool to carry them around. They are the centers of attraction at Starbucks, Coffee Bean or even Burger King. But then again, being spotted at Burger King is not exactly very cool, is it?

I could go on to name another hundred reasons except that now I cannot think of any more outside of the four already listed.

Anyway, back to the hard drive issue.

Everytime I want to buy some technie stuff, I will scour the internet for reviews. And here are the things that I have learned so far:

* a note of caution for the real geeks: DO NOT read the following because you will probably laugh your ass off

1. When you are running the programmes, you do not just use the RAM but you will also be needing hard drive space. And from what I have read, a Powerbook needs about 5 GB of hard drive space (can be up to 8 GB at times) when running the programmes. So if your hard drive is bursting at the seams, you will probably notice that your system lags a little or that the execution gets a little choppy. And you also see the rotating hour-glass more often which means it is taking your system a lot longer to load the programmes than it would normally take when it has more free storage space.

2. There is the Firewire 400 and the Firewire 800, the latter having double (theoretically) the transfer speed (read/write) than the former. For those who do not know yet, Firewire is something like the USB but is more commonly seen in Mac machines than Windows based machines. There are some hard drives that offer all the three connectivity options but even if they do, there are catches. For some hard drive, like the Iomega External Hard Drive FireWire 800/FireWire 400/USB (black series), though it offers both Firewire options, it does not actually come with a Firewire 400 cable. That essentially means for people like me, I would have to get a Firewire 400 adapter in order to use the hard drive because my Mac (being more than 2 years old now), only has the Firewire 400 port and I think Firewire ports are not backward compatible. They are other hard drives which offer fast Firewire speed but disastrously slow USB speed. Though that will not really be a problem for me.

3. There is the 'portable' version against the 'desktop' version. The former is a plug-and-play type that does not require shutting down before disconnecting and does not have so many wires and also, of course, much lighter and therefore 'portable'. The latter, however, offers a bigger capacity.

4. The potential buyer should also pay attention to whether the hard drive drains a lot of power (in which case it would be useful if it comes with its own adapter). But then again, if you still need to plug in the hard drive's adapter, will it not be a lot easier if you just bring along the Mac's adaptor so that you will not be needing two adaptors? There is also the noise factor that one needs to worry about. Of course, and heat dissipation as well.

5. Even if the editors of the websites rate something as 'very good', it does not mean that it will definitely be a good buy. Some which won the Editor's Choice Awards do not live up to their expection as can be seen from the reviews written by the users. One example would be the LaCie F.A. Porsche External Hard Drive. Many users, both on the Apple website and Cnet website, cite durability as their main grouch against the device. Many see theirs break down within the first 2 weeks. So definitely not a brand that I want to consider.

The fact is, after surfing the net for almost 3 hours, I still have absolutely not the faintest idea which hard drive I should get. Maybe I will pop down to Funan Mall before my Spanish class this friday. Maybe I will get the salespersons to recommend me one. Not that I totally trust them or anything. But do I have an option?

Actually you might be wondering why do I need an external hard drive at all? Erm because I only have around 5 GB of hard drive space left and I want to download movies and TV shows? Not exactly a good reason to spend money but if I can find something between $200-300 then I will probably not be considered 'over-liberal' with my mother's money, will I? I thought so too.

Monday, May 22, 2006

NUS Business School. WOW!

Now even ang-mohs want to study there.

Well, at least the British/American chick who screamed with ecstacy when she received her Letter of Acceptance from the aforementioned business school. Her mum was equally ecstatic and her only qualm was that her daughter (who was decidedly not actually that pretty) would spend too much time with 'cute Singaporean guys'.

Okay, if there are really cute guys here, how come I have never seen any? Alright, in all honesty, I have never been actively seeking them out. But still, I think it was a bloated claim. It is okay to argue that your school is the best business school in Asia (or something to that effect) but it is another thing to 'pimp out' your male population! But then again, if you can use something as ridiculous as the Merlion (what? Mermaid + Lion?) as your selling point, maybe 'cute guys' could be one too. The catch is, however, to have cute guys in the first place, which in here, there is zilch. Sero. Okay you want the truth? The truth is: I don't care about cute guys LOL!

I need to do serious reading one of these days. I have been watching too much TV. Not actually 'TV' TV but really downloaded (therefore illegal) episodes of American/Canadian/British shows that can only be viewed on the computer.

Here are my favourite lines of recent:

"I thought you were too screwed up to love anyone. I was wrong. You just couldn't love me. It's okay. I'm happy for you." Cameron to House, House M.D.

"I can't just be your friend, Ashley. It has to be more than that. Or I am out of your life. I need to figure out mine." Spencer to Ashley, South of Nowhere

Saturday, May 20, 2006


I am taking Spanish classes!!! Today, or rather, tonight was my first lesson. The teacher, much to my disappointment, was not a hot Spanish chick. He was, instead, a petite man probably in his forties. But he was quite a good teacher. We called him Senor Olger ('Olger' pronounced as 'Oh-her' and the 'her' is pronounced as if you are clearing your throat). I was Senorita blar blar. I was sitting beside another Senorita who happens to live in the same area as yours truly. What a coincidence! There was only one ang-moh in the class and I think he had the best Spanish accent while the rest of us sounded like we were speaking Japanese with a bit of Italian.

Anyway the 'rrrrrr' sounds are killing me! I can't fucking roll my tongue!

Here is Spanish 101 for the unintiated:

Good morning: Buenos dias
Good afternoon: Buenas tardes
Good evening: Buenas noches

What is your name: Como te Ilamas? (informal) or Como se Ilama usted? (formal)
My name is..: Me Ilamo... or Yo me Ilamo...

How are you: Como estas? (informal) or Como esta usted? (formal)
I'm very fine, thank you: Yo estoy muy bien, gracias! or Estoy bien, gracias!

What is your telephone number: Cual es tu numero de telefono?
It is...: Es el...

1: uno
2: dos
3: tres
4: cuatro
5: cinco
6: seis
7: siete
8: ocho
9: nueve
10: diez

house: casa
boy: nino
schoolbag: mochila (sounds edible to me)
pen: boligrafo
dog: perro
book: libro

Bye: adios!
See you later: Hasta luego
You are welcome: De nada (rhyme with 'ta ma de' or 'his mother' which is the most common form of expletive in Chinese)

Yup that was about all I learnt tonight. Pretty impressive eh? LOL!

Oh and an awesome piece of news: my good friend, Irene, got into NUS Medicine!!!!! I am so so happy for her! I knew she would nail it LOL!

Okay I'm outta here! Adios amigos!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Where the bloody hell are you?

I have neglected this blog for a substantial amount of time, for no good reason except that other matters, though not necessarily of greater importance, occupied me (well this is hardly a good reason). I am crapping.

Anyway the chick in the Aussie advertisment who said the bloody hell thing, she had droopy breasts LOL! I mean if you are trying to get people to come to your country (your beaches no less), the least you could do is to hire actresses who have more aesthetically pleasing breasts!

Oh this is a really FUNNY video! It is actually a parody of the movie "The Promise" which, as everyone knows, is an extremely boring movie. Visit this site for the clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKksBfhEbHY

What else have I been doing in my absence? I have read a book titled " "Gertrude and Claudius" by John Updike. Ever heard of Hamlet? Yeah this story is written from the adulterous pair's point of view.

Basically, the story unfolds with Gertrude (Hamlet's mother) marrying Hamlet's father (who was also called 'Hamlet', so that really makes our Hamlet 'Hamlet Jr') as according to her father's wishes. Supposedly Hamlet Sr was a great warrior whom Gertrude's aging father deemed as a good successor to his throne (yeah Gertrude being female and unable to make a legal claim for the throne) But the thing is: Hamlet Sr was not exactly in love with Gertrude, marrying her was only a way for greater power. It was actually his brother, Claudius who truly had amorous feelings for the young princess. But alas, because he was only a shadow of his elder brother and deemed inferior to him in every aspect, Gertrude was to marry Hamlet Sr. The loser went into self-exile to places far away from the kingdom, where he learnt useful tips (like 'how to tame the maiden') which he would later put to good use when seducing the lonely Queen.

So since the union of Gertrude and Hamlet Sr was based more on cold calculations than mutual affection, Gertrude felt neglected by her husband who was preoccupied with the expansion of his empire (which, curiously, was really her empire to start with). Much to her chagrin, her husband actually fell asleep on their wedding night without performing his marital duties. Though he eventually made up for it in the morning, the wife would, of course, always remember this humiliation (of being snubbed by her husband on wedding night and he was not even gay!)

Then the Queen became pregnant with Hamlet, gave birth to him and realised that from the day he was born, he seemed to want to distant himself from her. He hated the taste of her milk, She described him as 'high-strung', 'quick-tongued', 'temperate' and with a coldness that scared her. He was also an actor who liked to dramatize himself and found agreeable company in that of a 'demented jester'. Later, he went away to some college and resisted, for a long time, to come back and learn the ropes of kingship.

Returned home from his self-imposed exile, Claudius (he was originally named Fengon) began the courtship with the Queen, who, like I said, was lonely and probably unsatisfied in bed as well. With the help of the Lord Chamberlain, Polonius (previously known as Corambus and also father of Ophelia), they started having rendezvous at the faithful court servant's retreat. Somehow, the King became aware of the secret affair and stupidly arranged a meeting to inform his dear brother that he knew about it all and was about to banish him and publicly shame Gertrude for cuckolding him. Of course, Claudius had to do something or face his imminent ruin. He had to kill his brother.

And killed him he did, by pouring poison into his ear while the unsuspecting King slept. The murder was made possible with Polonius' help but kept from the Queen, who, like everyone else, thought her husband died of a nasty snake bite. A month later, she remarried, this time to Claudius. Hamlet returned and was forbade to leave the court as he was next in line to the throne.

The story sort of ended here.

Basically, the novel is a classic (sort of) that is bordering on pornography. The descriptions of 'bed-room activities' were, at best, honest and at worst, obscenely intriguing. Or just plain obscene, depending on your point of view.

Okay back to the 21th century. Why was Elliott voted out? Katherine McPhee has claimed her 2nd victim now. I think Taylor should win because he is really a good singer. "Yo dude, you've got a great voice man!" Gosh! Randy is such a pain in the ass and Paula is simply there to accessorize the show. I still like Simon the best! He has got a cute British accent.

I thought I did not like American Idol.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Everybody wants to break the Da Vinci code!

But the attempt by the Discovery Channel has been much more successful (at least more interesting) than that by the National Geographic Channel. In fact, the whole 'Secret Bible' series produced by the latter was painfully boring. I gave up after the first episode which, I think, was about the rivals of Jesus. Too academic for me.

Tonight's 'Da Vinci Declassified' by the Dicovery Channel was so much better. And do you know something? It is actually incorrect and silly, if you will, to refer to Leonardo Da Vinci as Da Vinci because 'Vinci' was actually (is still probably still) the name of a town in France where Leonardo Da Vinci came from. So if you call him Da Vinci, it actually means 'the Vinci' or 'from Vinci', neither of which makes sense.

I sidetracked a little. Okay, so why was DC's handling of the issue better than NGC's?

1) It was all presented in a fun and 'interactive way'. By that I really mean more graphics. Oh they actually had someone to create a cryptex and explain to the viewers how it really worked. And guess what? Vinegar does not actually dissolve the papyrus, as suggested by Mr Dan Brown. In fact, the papyrus remains intact even after being placed in a vial of vinegar for a month! So it is either that Leonardo used something else other than vinegar or he never invented such a thing at all. It might be helpful to note that no manuscript on the cryptex was ever found amongst Leonardo's collections.

2) They did not interview Dan Brown unlike what NGC did because they knew if they were going to clear up the mystery of something, it would be stupid to invite someone who came up with the mystery in the first place. Like you would expect him or her to admit it was actually a joke or a farce? Get real!

3) They sought the expertise of a gorgeous art historian whose surname actually had the word 'sex' in it (It was actually 'Sexton' in full) How arousing for a documentary! And she did not seem to be thrilled with Dan Brown and his predecessors' interpretation of Leonardo's works at all. She claimed, for example, that it was common for painters of 'that era' to portray young apostles as effeminate in order to show them being of a lower status than Jesus. Yeah, so John was a victim in a way. He could possibly have been more macho in real life. But considering he was 'very close' to Jesus, wouldn't it leave more room for imagination if he was kinda sissy-looking like Leonardo decided he should be? Yeah I thought so too.

Other shocking facts I got from the documentary:

1). The earliest symbol of Jesus was - guess what?- a fish! That didn't surprise you?

2). Legend has it that the first Merovingian king was fathered by a fish (C'mon, really get real!) And remember what was said about the symbol of Jesus being a fish? Yeah... so the logical conclusion became: Jesus' bloodline found its way into the Merovingians and the Knights Templar was set up to protect this bloodline of his. Of course everyone knows by now that the Holy Grail is possibly not a cup, but something more darrrkkk and siiiinnnniiissssttteeerr! (Background music: something borrowed from 'Dracula')

3). Leonardo Da Vinci could not quite possibly have been the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion because his personality would not have allowed him to do so. In fact, it was speculated, he might actually have had ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). He never finished anything he started out to do. So God help any organisation that he might have led in his lifetime.

4). The Priory of Sion might not even have existed for thousands of years as again suggested by Mr Brown. In fact, it could well have been a creation of three very mischievous little boys. One of them, the mastermind actually, was someone named Plantard who lived in a French town of - guess what again? - Sion! By a stroke of ingenuity, he decided to set up and register an organisation by the name of (oh you are getting so good at this already, aren't you?) the Priory of Sion! As for the Dossier Secrets (which contained the names of all Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion among other things), they could have been a creation of Plantard's partners in crime. Actually, if you will, Plantard was kind of a megalomaniac who thought he was someone special, possibly of royal descent. So he drew up a family tree linking himself to the Merovingians! These parchments were later mentioned in the Dossier Secrets (translation: Secret Documents). And since we have established that the secret documents were in fact made up by Plantard's accomplice, his claim to the throne was just crap.

5). The funny thing is: Plantard, being a megalomaniac as he was, never claimed to be descended from Jesus. Later authors, namely those who wrote the book 'Holy Blood and the Holy Grail', made the connection between the Merovingian dynasty and Jesus. In fact, Plantard openly denied being a descendant of Jesus' because he saw it as a sacrilege, him being suggested as such. So I guess the joke backfired a little there.

6). Plantard's acomplices, Philippe de Cherisey and GĂ©rard de Sede, were surrealists. And surrealists are people focused on the attainment of a state different from, "more than", and ultimately "truer" than everyday reality: the "sur-real", or "more than real". Does it spell trouble for you? Yeah I thought so too. It might also be interesting to note that the last Grand Master listed was an artist named Jean Cocteau. A surrealist too! Guess they were paying tribute to their idol. Oh, by the way, Jean Cocteau was gay. Thought you might be interested to know that =P

7. Remember the space between Jesus and John/Mary Magdalene in the 'Last Supper'? Some say it resembles the letter 'V' which is also a symbol of the female. Others say it is really a 'M' which - guess who? - really refers to Mary Magdalene. Our pretty art historian thought the space was just 'a matter of composition'. Also, to the claim that the second apostle from the right was really a self-portrait of Leonardo himself, our pretty art historian thought it was unlikely that Leonardo would have done something so risky because painters then were just a little more respected than menial workers. But perhaps, Leonardo was different since he was already a master painter by the time he was commissioned to do the mural?

Well, so it was pretty much established that the Priory of Sion was a hoax. Perhaps, the Holy Grail was a cup after all.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


I just watched a great movie by the title of 'Bug'. The whole movie was basically about how the actions of one person affect the other and so on and so forth.

For example, A borrows money from B. B goes to dinner with girlfriend but because he has previously lent A some money, there is not enough money for tips. C is the restaurant owner and he takes his earnings for the day (from B and his girlfriend) to the convenience store to buy some milk formula for his baby. And because B has not tipped him, C ends up not having enough money for the milk formula. C's baby ends up crying the whole night, keeping B and girlfriend (who happen to live either above or below C) awake. B and girlfriend end up fighting over whether to have children and the girlfriend is adamant that she does not want any. B ends up with a foul mood and he goes to work with that foul mood of his. B works in a fortune cookie factory, in charge basically of thinking up messages to go into those fortune cookies. And because he is mad at his girlfriend, one of his messages reads: Your girlfriend is lying to you. That gets him in trouble with his supervisor who ends up throwing a fortune cookie at him. The cookie misses B and goes flying through the window and breaks open on the pavement outside. D happens to walk by, sees the cookie and the message. The message reads: You will meet your dream girl today. At that moment, a girl, E comes round the corner, trips and drops some of her groceries. D thinks 'Wow! There she is, my dream girl!' and goes up to help her. But the girl just wants him to fuck off. D is relentless though and finally leaves his phone number with the girl who puts it at the bottom of her bag so that she will 'never ever see it again'. D chases after her with flowers taken from the florist and unpaid for. The florist, F, yells after D. At that moment, G comes by the shop with the intention to buy flowers, only to be chased away by F who mistakes him as another thief. In his anger, G throws his can of drink which hits H who is waiting to cross the street. H naturally gets pisssed and tells I who is coming from the other of the street that he has a 'nice lid'. I goes home and becomes angry with his wife for making him wear that stupid hat and always making him look stupid. His wife, J, throws away their dinner - roasted chicken - in anger. I ends up having to order takeaway from the local Chinese deli instead. And I also happens to buy the last serving of the day's Kung Pao chicken. A woman, K, who has a strange craving for chicken that day is turned away as a result. She goes home sad. Then she smells something and traces the source to the chicken that J has thrown away. She tries a piece and finds it incredibly delectable. A cat comes along at the moment and K shoos it away. The cat gets run down by a car. The driver, L, gets out of the car to check on the cat. He gets a ticket for parking his car at the side of the road, the one of many tickets he has already gotten, issued by the same woman...

I could go on forever but hell, I am not about to do that. Basically, the idea is: Everything is interconnected! How interesting is that?!

Actually I think this movie resembles 'Crash' in its interconnectedness, only it has done it better than 'Crash', in my opinion. So since 'Bug' came out first then probably the producers of 'Crash' got their idea from 'Bug', But 'Crash' still got the upper hand by winning an Oscar. I mean, c'mon, how is a movie with a title like 'Bug' ever going to be a box-office hit? Unless, of course, if it is an animation. Nevertheless, it is still a good movie. Definitely better than MI3 I am sure.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I need something ELSE to occupy me

So that I can take my mind off admission matters.

There is just this much rejection/ignoring one can take. Beyond that, a lesser man/woman would have broken down. For me, I am just mildly depressed at the moment, with absolutely no suicidal (you probably don't care) or homicidal (did you just heave a sigh of relief?) tendencies.

So I decide to get a job.

No, I am serious. So serious, in fact, I am going for a job interview tomorrow! Okay, in all honesty, it is not THAT kind of job interview but rather a get-to-know-your-needs-and-discuss-my-commission session with a lady at Recruit Express. She sounded like a nice person though. The address given to me was '6 Battery Rd' which I had no idea which part of Singapore that was until I checked it up on Streetdirectory.com. And holy cow, it is at Shenton Way! My power suit is going to come in handy! Just kidding, I am going in jeans and T-shirt. Oh was watching CNA just now and realised that there is going to be a 'lunchtime rally' at Shenton Way tomorrow. Sounds interesting!

Sidetrack a little, both La and I agreed that Glenda Han from the WP is the chio-est candidate in this election and possibly in all elections to date! And Lily Neo is fifty-something? I could never tell! It is kinda freaky though LOL

Talking about rallies... Gosh I think they are more boring than parliament seatings. Some of the candidates (mainly from the opposition parties) have such a poor command of English that it is excruciating listening to them. That is really why I only read the papers. Tuning in to CNA tonight was a bad idea. Low Thia Khiang is the worst of the lot.

And Steve Chia looked serious GAY and.. drunk during his rally. David Gan would have sneered at him and called him a 'pussy'.

MM has said it, 'we are not America', therefore we do not really need any opposition. And we also should not listen to the 'rubbish' uttered by the opposition during their rallies, that is if we could actually understand what some of these guys are trying to say in the first place. Honestly, English sounded like a 3rd or 4th language to them.

Don't believe? Okay try this:

'Or-tear-ri-ti' Guess what it is? AUTHORITY! Genius right?

Okay, whoever said writing is a good form of self-therapy was obviously lying.

Monday, May 01, 2006

No, not that call!

Okay my ex-tutor just tried to sell me health supplements over the phone, all the while pretending to be genuinely interested in my admission affairs. I think she is involved in some pyramid scheme and she even made an appointment to come down sometime to explain to me the products and show me 'some literature'. God, give me a break!

I think SMU is not inviting me back for Round 3. I said 'I think' because I am not sure since they have yet called me and they said they would call us within 48 hours. The deadline just expired 1 1/2 hours ago. And no call. Courtesy people, courtesy! I know some people have already been given the good news so my chances seem slim now. Urgh! How am I going to finance my studies now? Like what I told La, I have 2 options now. 1) Get a study loan 2) Do some lingerie ads like what Izzie did (What? You don't know who's Izzie? Don't you watch Grey's Anatomy?) Okay I know the answer is obvious but the question is should I do it for Triumph or Wacoal? LOL

I was feeling really depressed just now but miraculously chatting with La over MSN made me feel much better. In fact, a lot better. But you still suck at consoling people, La.

What is hottest election issue now? Nope, it is not upgrading and how it is a basic human right to have lifts that stop on every floor. It is also not foreign policy which includes relation with the neighbours. No one hardly mentions it anyway. It is the Gomez issue, stupid! Whether the opposition is honest and accountable depends all on whether Gomez submitted his minority status application. And who is Gomez anyway? Oh some target the *censored* has found recently because Chee has gotten really boring. He is a already a bankrupt so he cannot be made any worse, can he? Hmm maybe can ask Dubya if there is still room in Guantanamo Bay.

And SMU, please call me! I really want to have tea with the CEOs. Plus I just bought a sexy power suit. You know my number =)