Saturday, May 06, 2006


I just watched a great movie by the title of 'Bug'. The whole movie was basically about how the actions of one person affect the other and so on and so forth.

For example, A borrows money from B. B goes to dinner with girlfriend but because he has previously lent A some money, there is not enough money for tips. C is the restaurant owner and he takes his earnings for the day (from B and his girlfriend) to the convenience store to buy some milk formula for his baby. And because B has not tipped him, C ends up not having enough money for the milk formula. C's baby ends up crying the whole night, keeping B and girlfriend (who happen to live either above or below C) awake. B and girlfriend end up fighting over whether to have children and the girlfriend is adamant that she does not want any. B ends up with a foul mood and he goes to work with that foul mood of his. B works in a fortune cookie factory, in charge basically of thinking up messages to go into those fortune cookies. And because he is mad at his girlfriend, one of his messages reads: Your girlfriend is lying to you. That gets him in trouble with his supervisor who ends up throwing a fortune cookie at him. The cookie misses B and goes flying through the window and breaks open on the pavement outside. D happens to walk by, sees the cookie and the message. The message reads: You will meet your dream girl today. At that moment, a girl, E comes round the corner, trips and drops some of her groceries. D thinks 'Wow! There she is, my dream girl!' and goes up to help her. But the girl just wants him to fuck off. D is relentless though and finally leaves his phone number with the girl who puts it at the bottom of her bag so that she will 'never ever see it again'. D chases after her with flowers taken from the florist and unpaid for. The florist, F, yells after D. At that moment, G comes by the shop with the intention to buy flowers, only to be chased away by F who mistakes him as another thief. In his anger, G throws his can of drink which hits H who is waiting to cross the street. H naturally gets pisssed and tells I who is coming from the other of the street that he has a 'nice lid'. I goes home and becomes angry with his wife for making him wear that stupid hat and always making him look stupid. His wife, J, throws away their dinner - roasted chicken - in anger. I ends up having to order takeaway from the local Chinese deli instead. And I also happens to buy the last serving of the day's Kung Pao chicken. A woman, K, who has a strange craving for chicken that day is turned away as a result. She goes home sad. Then she smells something and traces the source to the chicken that J has thrown away. She tries a piece and finds it incredibly delectable. A cat comes along at the moment and K shoos it away. The cat gets run down by a car. The driver, L, gets out of the car to check on the cat. He gets a ticket for parking his car at the side of the road, the one of many tickets he has already gotten, issued by the same woman...

I could go on forever but hell, I am not about to do that. Basically, the idea is: Everything is interconnected! How interesting is that?!

Actually I think this movie resembles 'Crash' in its interconnectedness, only it has done it better than 'Crash', in my opinion. So since 'Bug' came out first then probably the producers of 'Crash' got their idea from 'Bug', But 'Crash' still got the upper hand by winning an Oscar. I mean, c'mon, how is a movie with a title like 'Bug' ever going to be a box-office hit? Unless, of course, if it is an animation. Nevertheless, it is still a good movie. Definitely better than MI3 I am sure.


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