Saturday, May 20, 2006


I am taking Spanish classes!!! Today, or rather, tonight was my first lesson. The teacher, much to my disappointment, was not a hot Spanish chick. He was, instead, a petite man probably in his forties. But he was quite a good teacher. We called him Senor Olger ('Olger' pronounced as 'Oh-her' and the 'her' is pronounced as if you are clearing your throat). I was Senorita blar blar. I was sitting beside another Senorita who happens to live in the same area as yours truly. What a coincidence! There was only one ang-moh in the class and I think he had the best Spanish accent while the rest of us sounded like we were speaking Japanese with a bit of Italian.

Anyway the 'rrrrrr' sounds are killing me! I can't fucking roll my tongue!

Here is Spanish 101 for the unintiated:

Good morning: Buenos dias
Good afternoon: Buenas tardes
Good evening: Buenas noches

What is your name: Como te Ilamas? (informal) or Como se Ilama usted? (formal)
My name is..: Me Ilamo... or Yo me Ilamo...

How are you: Como estas? (informal) or Como esta usted? (formal)
I'm very fine, thank you: Yo estoy muy bien, gracias! or Estoy bien, gracias!

What is your telephone number: Cual es tu numero de telefono?
It is...: Es el...

1: uno
2: dos
3: tres
4: cuatro
5: cinco
6: seis
7: siete
8: ocho
9: nueve
10: diez

house: casa
boy: nino
schoolbag: mochila (sounds edible to me)
pen: boligrafo
dog: perro
book: libro

Bye: adios!
See you later: Hasta luego
You are welcome: De nada (rhyme with 'ta ma de' or 'his mother' which is the most common form of expletive in Chinese)

Yup that was about all I learnt tonight. Pretty impressive eh? LOL!

Oh and an awesome piece of news: my good friend, Irene, got into NUS Medicine!!!!! I am so so happy for her! I knew she would nail it LOL!

Okay I'm outta here! Adios amigos!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

7:06 PM  

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